Monday, August 8, 2011

Day Nineteen - Korolevu, Fiji

Monday, August 8th - Warwick Resort & Spa

BULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A popular Fijian greeting used by everyone and often hollered at the top of their lungs!)

Today was a relaxing day of healing.  Amanda, unfortunately, did not sleep off the disease so we took the day to recoup.  Rick brought Amanda breakfast in bed so she could sleep, sleep, sleep.  Switched into our ocean view room after Amanda had a stern conversation with the front desk.  HUGE improvement.  Corner unit - room is great - view is gorgeous!  Walked the resort.  So much to do!  Families everywhere.  More culture here in one afternoon then we could find during our five days in Bora Bora.  Wanted to see what the real Fiji looked like - the Fiji outside resort walls and with the lights on this time so went for a little drive around the Coral Coast. 

Moments of note during our drive:  So many stray dogs - reminds us a lot of Costa Rica - but the dogs look slightly healthier, correction, meatier.  Cows, horses, and pigs, all with harnesses but roaming freely.  Fijians of all ages outside playing.  Couldn't tell if it was rugby or soccer without staring but definitely outside involved in sport.  Each little cluster of houses (i.e. village of sorts) had children playing in the center.  We haven't yet found a 'convenience' store or food market that allows you inside.  Instead you have to ask the person behind the bars to fetch you your goods - mildly intimidating.  Definitely secures our decision to visit the major city of Suva early in our stay.  Roads are terrible.  Pot holes large enough to eat grown men.  And the speed humps!  The biggest we've ever seen!  When they say 20kph - they mean it!  Roads overgrown with vegetation.  Stunning.  The humidity reminds us of home and Rick's comfort level tells us that this is definitely the warmest place we've visited so far.  Amanda is stoked!  Rick is sweating. 

Going to postpone our dive planned for tomorrow until later in the week in hopes that Amanda will heal enough by then.  Dinner on our porch and enjoyed a Fijian show at the Hibiscus Club.  A young Fijian pulled us from our seats during the interactive portion and sure glad he did!  He was no more than twelve in age and more full of life than most people we know! 

Warwick Resort & Spa - Korolevu, Fiji

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