Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day Eleven - Pahia, NZ

Sunday, July 31st - Day of Rest

No alarm - we woke when the bodies chose.  Wandered around the little town of Paihia for awhile and enjoyed more, eye-opening, heart inspiring conversation with the locals.  Went hunting for this elusive Maori show only to find that, yet again, we'll just miss it.  As Rick so daringly pointed out when he saw raindrops outside our hotel window, we've lucked out with the weather - raining when we're leaving a place or have no plans to interrupt and sunny when we're adventuring.  He immediately knocked on wood and has assumed full blame if we begin to encounter poorly timed weather.  We have not experienced the same luck in our search for an authentic Maori performance.  It seems it runs once a week in every place we visit and that once week falls at a time of the week when we're not in town.  Fingers crossed for the South Island.  Returned to Frank's for dinner - so delicious.

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